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•‘One of the 100 greatest adventure books of all time’ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. •‘This great Norwegian explorer's achievements are unsurpassed: He was the first to sail the Northwest Passage, and he beat Scott to the South Pole’ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC. •Includes bonus material: Amundsen’s NEW YORK TIMES article on the days leading to him reaching the South Pole on 14 December 1911. •Includes all the original edition’s illustrations and additional photographs from Amundsen’s expeditions. The warts and all memoir of visionary Norwegian Polar explorer Roald Amundsen. Published just a year before his mysterious disappearance at the North Pole, Roald Amundsen’s MY LIFE AS AN EXPLORER is a classic of polar exploration literature. Amundsen’s intimate memoir takes us through the highs and lows of his stella career one that was far more successful than his perhaps better known rivals, Ernest Shackleton and Robert F. Scott. He was the first to traverse Canada’s Northwest passage between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans in 1906, the first to reach the South Pole in 1911 (narrowly beating Scott) and to fly over the North Pole in 1926. The secret of his success? Amundsen’s expeditions benefited from his careful preparations, good equipment, appropriate clothing and a simple primary task. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Roald Amundsen was born in 1872 in Borge, Norway into a family of shipowners and captains. Inspired by Fridtjof Nansen’s crossing of Greenland in 1888 and John Franklin’s lost expedition to traverse the Northwest Passage he embarked on a life-long quest to explore the unconquered wilderness. The rest, as they say, is history. His other books include The North-East Passage, The North-West Passage: Being the Record of a Voyage of Exploration of the Ship Gjoa 1903-1907, The South Pole: An Account of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition in the Fram, 1910-1912, and with Lincoln Elsworth Our Polar Flight: The Amundsen-Ellsworth Polar Flight (1925). Amundsen disappeared on 18 June 1928 while flying on a rescue mission in the Arctic, he was never heard of again. PRAISE FOR MY LIFE AS AN EXPLORER: ‘This great Norwegian explorer's achievements are unsurpassed: He was the first to sail the Northwest Passage, and he beat Scott to the South Pole’ NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC; ‘The saga of a modern Viking; Roald Amundsen tells the story of his adventurous life’ THE NEW YORK TIMES; ‘A fascinating autobiography... his career from the cradle over many graves’ ADVOCATE; ‘An explorer beyond parallel’ THE WALL STREET JOURNAL; ‘One of the greatest explorers of all time’ STEPHEN R. BOWN, author of THE LAST VIKING: THE LIFE OF ROALD AMUNDSEN; ‘A thrilling account of all the achievements of the Norwegian explorer… a first-hand account of one of history’s most fearless explorers’ HISTORY REVEALED.

Dettagli e-book My Life As An Explorer: A Memoir

✔ Autore(s):
✔ Titolo: My Life As An Explorer: A Memoir
✔ Valutazione : 4.1 su 5 stelle (90 voti)
✔ ISBN-10: 1081811552
✔ ISBN-13: 9781081811556
✔ Lingua: Italiano
✔ Formato ebook: PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Audio, HTML e MOBI
✔ Dispositivi supportati: Android, iOS, PC e Amazon Kindle

Opinioni dei lettori My Life As An Explorer: A Memoir di Roald Amundsen

Solita Sanchez
Un thriller psicologico che ti tiene con il fiato sospeso fino all'ultima pagina. La tensione cresce in modo esponenziale man mano che la trama si dipana. I colpi di scena sono magistrali e sorprendenti. I personaggi sono complessi e ben caratterizzati. Ogni dettaglio è curato nei minimi particolari. Perfetto per chi ama i romanzi ricchi di suspense e mistero. Un libro che non si riesce a mettere giù.
Laurinda López
Un racconto di fantascienza che esplora nuove frontiere dell'universo. Le idee innovative e le descrizioni futuristiche creano un mondo affascinante e originale. I temi trattati sono profondi e stimolanti. La narrazione è avvincente e piena di colpi di scena. Un libro che fa riflettere sulle possibilità del futuro. Ideale per gli appassionati di fantascienza e per chi ama le storie che fanno pensare. Un'opera visionaria e avvincente.
Paciencia López
Una storia di mistero che segue una serie di eventi inspiegabili. La trama avvincente e i colpi di scena continui tengono il lettore con il fiato sospeso. Ogni nuovo indizio svela ulteriori strati di intrigo. Ideale per chi ama i racconti di suspense e mistero. Un libro che affascina e tiene incollati alla pagina fino alla risoluzione finale. Una lettura che stimola l'ingegno e la curiosità.

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